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Hyatt Lake Kayaking

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Hyatt Lake Kayaking

Situated in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, Hyatt Lake provides an excellent option for a kayak ride as there is a 10 miles an hour speed limit on the lake. The shore length of this reservoir is approximately seven and a half miles. Visitors to this lake have the chance to see a wide range of wildlife, including but not limited to bald and golden eagles, osprey, owls, Peregrine falcons, deer, and otter. Mt. McLoughlin stands in the distance for paddlers to behold. Campers Cove Restaurant and Store offer kayak and canoe rentals.

Directions:  From downtown Ashland, head southeast on Siskiyou Blvd. Take a left onto Ashland Street and follow it past the freeway entrances and curve to the right (Ashland St. becomes OR-66/Greensprings Hwy). After crossing the highway you’ll follow Highway 66 nearly seventeen miles where you’ll turn left onto E Hyatt Lake Rd. Continue 3 miles and turn right onto E. Hyatt Lake Rd. where you’ll enter Hyatt Lake Recreation Area. There is a $3 charge per vehicle.

Outdoor Recreation Safety Note: Please be sure to read our safety note on our Outdoor Recreation home page.

Hyatt Lake

Hyatt Lake
